guess what? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Senna 212 is back in the shop again. So after contiually being told that the smoke, high running temps, stranges noises were normal after the first motor rebuild (despite my contiued insistance that it wasn't)I loaded it up and took it to the dealership I know back in the chicago area. So while I was pleased that they verified that the smoke wasn't normal, I wasn't pleased that the bike shot another valve while there. Gotta love it. Wonder how long it will take Mv USA to fix it this time....taking odds! ^_^

While I'm waiting (again) would anyone mind giving me some motorcycle riding and care tips? Despite never having these kinds of problems with my previous two bikes, it can't be anything other than rider/owner neglect because Matt at MV USA has assured me of the quality and reliablity of this bike and the complete dedication he and MV USA put into servicing and maintaining that standard. So if there are any willing teachers or suggestions anyone would like to pass on for the proper care of the Senna line please let me know.

Also anyone interested in a Senna for a GREAT PRICE let me know! I'll accept payment now, but can't say when your bike will be delivered. But I can assure you that Matt and MV USA will provide you with the best and most top notch service and support available! But this may require that the bike be out of your possession for the vast majority of the time.

-- TP (, December 09, 2003


Man, that sucks. I am sorry to hear about the constant trouble you are having with them. You would think that a company that was trying to re-establish themselves as a reputable company would do everything in their power to ensure that every customer was completely satisfied. Good luck with everything.


-- Pete (, December 09, 2003.



Hahaha...Sue, that name has a nice ring to it, Howard. TP, I think you would agree.

-- David Nguyen (, December 10, 2003.

MV beatiful. MCC ugh. Let experience be your guide.

-- b51 (, December 10, 2003.

I think that that is so much bs.... They should just bite the bullet and give you a new bike.. That would make me want to frigging cry.....

-- clifford proctor (, December 12, 2003.

My Senna has been mostly trouble free. I had a left fork seal go out and the water pump failed in the first 100 miles, after that no problems. I tend to ride it kind of hard too, it has almost 3k on the odo., and I bounce it off the limiter from time to time. Matt has been cool from Cagiva, I'm sure he can help you in some way.

-- greg petersen (, December 12, 2003.

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