Fake/Phony MV F4S for sale on EBAY!greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
I've been noticing a few MV F4S on sale through Ebay for "Buy it Now" for $6,000, or even less, even with secure pay, i know for a fact because I purchased my F4S through Ebay a few months ago, and someone is using the same info and picture for the bike with different user ID's. I have also seen the same ad up there several times. There is also a Black MV F4S for "Buy it Now" at $5,500, and who would be in their right state of mind to sell it that cheap, with a clear title and in good condition?? On top of it, the User Name changes from one name to the other, while using the same picture and info, WITHIN the same day posted! It seems fishy to me, anyone know anything? and if not, just be careful....
-- AP (themosthated1@hotmail.com), November 29, 2003
I reported them to eBay.
-- Michael Manning (mmanning@meretrx.com), November 29, 2003.