Does the flower Daisy appear? : LUSENET : Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet : One Thread |
Yeah Hi, I was wondering, i was reading a section further on, and I was wondering if in Hamlet the actual flower Daisy appears in order to use it as evidence to what a modern audience can still recognise. Also I put a question at the end of a thread about silent women or something, is there any chance you could answer that for me as well please? thanks
-- Kayleigh Miah (, November 24, 2003
daisy: act 4 scene 5 line 179 ophelia presents a daisy, which i think represent innocence
-- 80 T (, November 26, 2003.
daisy = unhappy love, or dissembling, or seduction. It is also the flower with which girls commonly played the game of ‘He loves me - he loves me not’, the last petal indicating the answer.
-- catherine england (, November 27, 2003.