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Christmas Money FAST!!! $6 turns into $1000's From: Lea Category: Other Date: 10/7/03 Time: 1:28:09 PM Remote Name: GET RICH FOR ONLY $6.00 GUARANTEED!!
>HOW TO MAKE TONS OF QUICK MONEY, GUARANTEED! > >I was browsing through news groups just like you are >now, and came across an article similar to this that >said you can make thousands of dollars within weeks >with only an investment of $6.00. So I thought, "yeah >right, must be a scam," but like most of us, I was >curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it said that you >send $1 to each of the 6 names and addresses stated in >the article. You then place your own name and address >on the bottom of the list and post the article in at >least 200 news groups. No catch, that was it. So after >thinking it over, I thought about trying it. I >figured, "What have I got to lose; only 6 stamps & $6, >right?" Then I invested the measly $6. > >Within days I started getting money in the mail. I >figured it would end soon, but the money kept coming. >In my first week I made $47. By the second week I had >over a thousand dollars. As the weeks went, the money >grew. It is certainly worth the $6 investment and 6 >stamps! Let me explain how & why it works. Also, make >sure you save it to your computer, so you can get the >information. > >Please follow the directions EXACTLY, and thousands of >dollars can be yours in weeks. You are in the business >of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations >are happy to pay big bucks for lists. > >Here Are The 4 Easy Steps To Success: > >Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following >on each piece of paper: "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING >LIST." > >Now get 6 $1 bills and place 1 inside of Each of the 6 >pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through >the envelope (to prevent theft). > >Next, place 1 paper in each of the 6 envelopes and >seal them with the $1 bill enclosed. You now should >have 6 sealed envelopes each with a piece of paper >stating the above phrase and a $1 bill enclosed in >each envelope. What you are doing is creating a >service-THIS IS 100% LEGAL! > >You are requesting a legitimate service and you are >paying for it. I was a little skeptical about the >legal aspects of it all so I checked it out with the >Postal Service (1-800-275-8777) and they confirmed >that it is legal. > >Mail the six envelopes to the following addresses: >
>[1]Mac Abeyta >13469 N. Wide View Dr. >Oro Valley, AZ 85737
>[2]Arrian Myrick-Stockdell>360 Herrick Road>Brooksville, Main 04617
>[3] Mike Collett>PO Box 68037 >Tucson, AZ 85737
>[4] Latrese Branch >1570 Lakeside Drive >Prince George, VA 23875
>[5] Pamela Marmolejo >1055 Cardiff Way >Beaumont, CA 92223
>[6] Lea Vigil >5212 Arden Dr. >Temple City, CA 91780
> >Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, >move the other names up (6 becomes 5, >5 becomes 4, 4 becomes 3, etc.) Add YOUR NAME as >number 6 on the list. > >Try to keep this article as close to the original as >possible and post your article to at least 200 news >groups. > >All you need is 200, but the more you post, the more >money you make! > >NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address >sent to you. This VERIFIES that you are truly >providing a service. Your name will be moved up the >list geometrically so that when your name reaches the >#1 position you will be receiving Thousands of Dollars >in Cash! What an opportunity for only $6, $1 for each >of the 6 people listed above. Send it now, add your >own name to the list and you’re in business. > >You do not need to retype this letter to do your own >posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of >this letter and drag your cursor to the bottom of this >document, and select copy from the edit menu. > >Open a blank notepad and place your cursor at the top >of the page. From the edit menu select paste. > >Save your new notepad file as a text File, if you want >to do your posting in different settings, you will >always have this file to go back to. > >Use the Internet and search for various news groups >(forums, message boards, discussions). Visit these >message boards and post this article as a new message >by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting >paste from the edit menu. You are finished and have >finished your first posting. Congratulations! > >THAT`S IT. All you have to do is post away. > >*THE MORE YOU POST, THE MORE MONEY YOU WILL MAKE* > >MAKE CERTAIN ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT > >Assume you get a 7.5% return: > >When you do 200 posts, 15 people send you $1.00 >Those 15 do 200 posts, 225 people send you $1.00 >Those 225 do 200 posts, 3,375 people send you $1.00 >Those 3,375 do 200 posts, 50,625 people send you $1.00 >Those 50,625 do 200 posts, 759,375 people send you >$1.00 >So far you have received at least $759,375. With an >original investment of only $6.00. > >Thousands of people all over are joining the Internet >and reading these articles every day, JUST LIKE YOU >right now. So you can turn $6 into thousands!
Last changed: August 18, 2003
Last changed: October 07, 2003
-- lea vigil (, November 21, 2003