Acumen Gear : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
I purchased an Acumen gea indicator unit from the NEC bike show. One of the wires needs connecting to the earth side of the neutral lamp (Green/Yellow) wire. As per expected there is no green/yellow cable at the clocks. The only green/yellow cable I can find is by the battery, according to the MV wiring diagram this is called a safety unit and looks like it is something to do wit the neutral ??. Has any body fitted one of these or the datatool equivlent ?...if so please let me know how you did it. Cheers.
-- (, November 21, 2003
As I mention in one of my How-To's .... the color codes in both the furnished manual and the $100 shop manual are all wrong..or are mostly wrong.. We found out that regularly, a wire will change colors 2-3 times from point A to B as if different vendors supplied certain sections of a harness and didn't compare notes...Geez.. Un- excusable.Do me a favor... I have been wanting to install one of these on my bike just haven't gotten around to it..If/when you find out.. can you let me know?? Please e-mail directly or call me at 828.628.7093 EST
May your respective god have mercy on you and your ride..
-- Pirate (, November 22, 2003.
Thanks mate, I like the rear light mod....may be another job for me to do one day. Yep, I will let you know how the gear indicator works. cheers mate.
-- (, November 24, 2003.