Macon-Atlanta commuter rail? : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I have gotten wind that funds may have been appropiated to begin early planning for commuter rail service between Macon & Atlanta.....supposedly on CG(NS) trackage. Can anyone in the Peach State elaborate? Passengers on the Central again...sounds intriguing.

-- Greg Hodges (, November 11, 2003


The email addresses for the Georgia Rail Passenger Program and have been discontinued. All mail to them is being returned due to unknown user. Unknown if the Georgia Rail Program still exists.

-- Carl Anderson (, April 24, 2004.

I was at a banquet two weeks ago where Harold Linnenkohl, the new Georgia DOT commisioner, was the keynote speaker. He mostly touched on issues such as the Northern Arc, HOV lanes, etc. He did mention commuter rail to Macon and said that the funds weren't presently sufficient. But he went on to say that service between Atlanta and Lovejoy(in Clayton Co) could soon be feasible with current funding.

-- Eric Rickert (, November 23, 2003.

The state did appropriate a relatively small amount to begin closing crossings around Forsyth and doing something else (can't remember what). On a personal note, it would be nice if the state would go ahead and buy the line, which I claim as my home road. Would be nice to see it upgraded--there has been no major maintenance done since Nancy Hanks II was discontinued in 1971, and the occasional local freight pokes through Jonesboro now at about 5 mph. If the state were to assume ownership, it might even be feasible to run a few excursions on weekends when the commuter trains weren't operating. But I should stop now before I get carried away.

-- Andrew Durden (, November 17, 2003.

I dont know if you live in Ga or not, but from what I understand any commuter rail is on hold if it will ever happen. I listened to an interview with the head of GRTA the other night and he wants to use flex busses on HOV lanes. Also Georgia's budget has been cut back a good bit.

later, Brian

-- Brian Hendry (BKHENDRY@YAHOO.COM), November 13, 2003.

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