Mods - Question : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I have an '02 f41+1 and would like to somewhat modify it, I would like to see how others have modifed theirs. Is there a page where you guys keep your collective bike pics posted? Everyone in this forum is proud of their bikes, so why not let others enjoy it, too?

-- jon-jon (, October 31, 2003


you can find pictures of my first f4 on : and a lot of others on : search mv on the pictures! same on : you will find a lot of pictures!!

-- dauly alex (, October 31, 2003.

Really all you need is to get some pipes and headers (t3) change out your front forks and racing shocks. last thig is use carbon fiber in areas to lighten up the bike. and you are good to go.. thats what I did with mine.

-- clifford proctor (, November 05, 2003.

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