Italia bike magazine no more... : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I am subscribed to the Italia Bike magazine, but I got a letter through the other day to say it has ceased publication, but I could swap my subscription to 911 World or something, err yeah right, I think I'll have my money back. Hardly surprising, I mean the mainstream magazines over here repeat stuff month in month, all the same, like 'battle of the 600's', or 'huge tyre test'. If you took the outside cover off them you would have difficulty telling any them apart. Hands up here who has read 25 different reports on GSXR 1000 vs Blade vs R1 vs 999 with some little baldy bloke spouting rubbish wearing a snood. Yawn yawn. This is a pity though coz this publication was different to that. There just isnt enough going on in the Italian bike market to fill the pages I guess, not even a bi-monthly produced magazine like Italia Bike. Well at least I know what a Ghezzi and Brian looks like now.

-- Andy (, October 31, 2003

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