Amateur needs help recording AVI or other onto CD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Please help! I have a friend in the military that I am trying to record regular television and send it to him to play in a DVD player. I have a TV tuner board that captures it into an AVI file, however only one hour is about 14 GB. How do I compress it and convert it into a VCD?

-- Chris Hall (, October 21, 2003

Answers has a lot of guides for newbies that should help you get started. Warning - all DVD players do not support burnable media and a few won't play VCD on anything, so there is always the possibility that even if you do everything right, your friend still won't be able to play it. You might ask him for the model of his DVD player and look at the DVD Player Compatibility List at the web site I mentioned before you get started.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), October 22, 2003.

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