fit and reputation of Bestard boots : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread


I am looking for a warm boot (0F or -20C), which is full crampon compatible. Is anyone familiar with Bestard boots (e.g. Top Mountain II, Evolution CR, or Evolution K)?

I am particularly interested in their reputation and fit (wide foot like Scarpa or narrow like Sportiva).

Thank you for your help, Vlad

-- Vladimir Dioumaev (, October 15, 2003


Hello Vlad:

Bestard is an excellent spanish manufacturer of mountain boots. Maybe is not recognized around the world like La Sportiva, but the quality of his boots is excellent. And the same can be said about materials (gore tex duratherm, vibram, kevlar...). IF you know, an on-line mountain shop that sells mountain products around the world, you can read the opinion of a barrabes' specialist that tried this boots and another models. This is the url: dept_id=77&pf_id=9635&opt=m

Obviously, the leather model is warmer than kevlar, and kevlar is lighter than leather.

Best regards,


-- Joe (, October 19, 2003.

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