Final fantasy 11 : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

hey if u get final fantasy 11 for pc does it require paying for playing online? or is it just like other comp games where u dont need a card or payment..........

-- Anonymous, October 12, 2003


im pretty sure u have to pay 12.99 every month. i read it off from EGM.

-- Anonymous, October 12, 2003

I'm a huge fan of thisgame and as he said,its 12.99 a month and is 45.99 to buy,expensive? Yes,Worth it? Yes,

-- Anonymous, October 12, 2003

wow, people actually have enough memory and a good enough video card to run this game on thier pc, srew all that I'll just wait for it to come to ps2 and dish out the $200+ to pay/play it, instead of rapeing my computer of its little life that it has left.

-- Anonymous, October 12, 2003

hey goshi u have to pay for it on ps2 too u moron, u pay for the net modem, the game, the hard drive, AND the pay to play got that dumbass?

-- Anonymous, October 12, 2003

I highly suggest you get the pc version. it's more customizable than the ps2 version. Even if you comp is crap, upgrade it. With half- life 2 and doom 3 comming out, why not? I am gonna be a samurai when i get to lv 30 and be a monk till then. I am thinking about being the little dog thing. I might just be a human though

-- Anonymous, October 13, 2003

when u buy the game, u can play 30 days free.. thats what i heard from

i will definitely buy this game, i was a ragnarok fans. i got very dissapointed at their gms. they sux so bad at maintaing a good game.

-- Anonymous, October 13, 2003

What a load of shit. Whatever happened to just making offline games? Online games blow ass, why?

1. Monthly fees 3. The story will never end 3. Always have to compete with others 4. Dambass people trying to talk to you or kill you

As i've said before the only person I want to share the game with is me, myself and I.

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2003

Ummmm, let me try this one more time.

What a load of shit. Whatever happened to just making offline games? Online games blow ass, why?

1. Monthly fees

2. The story will never end

3. Always have to compete with others

4. Dambass people trying to talk to you or kill you

As i've said before the only person I want to share the game with is me, myself and I.

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2003

I think that this game is gonna rock. I had the Beta and it was very good. It can be compared to the .Hack game series, except its less cheap ( those who played it know wat im saying). I wouldnt mind paying monthly for suck a grat game, even though it may never end, its the kind of game you dont want it to.

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2003

I have yet to play an MMORPG in which other players have a desire to compete with you....let alone kill you........

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2003

hey can any one tell me how much it will cost for the net modem, the game, the hard drive. Also is the hardd rive necessary? Cant i just play the game for a while and then get the hard drive??

-- Anonymous, October 21, 2003

Am a great Fan of Sqauresoft and Final Fantasy. I is clocked all of the Final fantasy games and various other squaresoft game. but this time sqauresoft has just gone and broken ma record the damn mowfow's. Am definetly not gonna get the game from the shops, never have bought and fianl fantasy games from the shops, though all ma ones are original hard copies. Am definetly gonna pay the damn monthly subscription. final fantasy the movie suked ass, they should have done final fantasy 7 movie. best story line ever for anything. I am now Squaresoft's anti christ. Long live Cacom and ur short pad bashing, finger mashing games. hazaa.

-- Anonymous, November 12, 2003

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