Headlight bulb size?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Does anyone know which bulb fits for the low and high beam on a F4?

-- AP (themosthated1@hotmail.com), October 07, 2003


The bulb you need is an H3. It can be found at just about any auto parts store and Wal-Mart even carries them for about $4.00. Good luck.

-- Pete (pistonpete@hotmail.com), October 08, 2003.

Thanks! Does that fit for both headlights?

-- AP (themosthated1@hotmail.com), October 08, 2003.

If you scroll down to an ealier post on April 13, 2003, one of the member of this board says that it is the same part number so I am assuming that the bulb can be used for both the high and low beam applications.

-- Pete (pistonpete@hotmail.com), October 09, 2003.

I changed out the bulbs and found out that the low beams are H3 and the high beams are HB3.

-- AP (themosthated1@hotmail.com), October 15, 2003.

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