Durst C35 & C65 enlargergreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread |
Hi, Can you please tell me the largest print I can get from the C35 head and the C65 head Thanking you
-- Bryan Dunford (bryan352002@yahoo.com), September 30, 2003
Hi. I dont have an answer to your question but I was wondering if you could tell me how much a C35 enlarger costs to buy new?
-- marie ryan (ms_marieryan@hotmail.com), December 16, 2003.
I purchased one on ebay with a complete darkroom setup for $127.50 US
-- B Man (benm01@nospam.com), February 08, 2004.
On the stand, the C35 will make 8x10 but I have never been one to go by the rules......Remove the mount from the board and place it upon the board reversed.... I project, take longer, normally I exporse 2 to 3 minuts at 6 feet cropping in to make 16x20s from a 35mm neg. I use about 1/4 of the neg. Use a 3 to 4 contract filter or 70 magenta to offset loss of contrast and flatting but that little machine, well, how big do you want to go?
Michael www.troopm.com
-- michael troop (troopm@yahoo.com), December 02, 2004.