1+1 Import or notgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
I've just hada quote from an insurance company for an MVF4S 1+1. The bloke said that all 1+1's are parellel imports?? according to the screen he was looking at...surely this is wrong..any body know ?
-- Carl (carlstatham@supanet.com), September 30, 2003
He's talking bollocks. Seek another insurance company via the UK MV club (if you're in the UK of course).
-- kav (kavinandi@hotmail.com), September 30, 2003.
Cheers mate, theres too much bollox about! I've got a good qoute now, all I need now is the bike..
-- Carl (carlstatham@supanet.com), October 01, 2003.
How much was your quote/area/age/who with if don't mind me asking? And why not wait for the F41000?
-- kav (kavinandi@hotmail.com), October 01, 2003.
I got qouted £473.00 Fully comp. this is assuming that aCAT1 alarm will be fitted. I would love the 1000 but funds to not stretch to that amount. Do you think it's worth waiting to see if the 750 market drops ?. It seems to be a good time to buy at the moment, some good deals, but I want a 02 EV02, there doesn't seem to be many around. Cheers
-- Carl (carlstatham@supanet.com), October 01, 2003.
Why not wait for the 1000 you ask?? Because he needs a bike to ride this decade thats why!!!
-- (jj@netscape.net), October 01, 2003.
Just get me the bike !...I think the 750 will be more fun to ride anyway. Does any body know why in 2000 there were loads of Mono's, and then from then on theres loads of 1+1's?
-- Carl (carlstatham@supanet.com), October 02, 2003.
The bike is the problem! i can only find 2 Insurance companies in UK to cover mine and the premium has increased by 25% with an extra years NCD too. Insurers aren't touching it because of replacement parts costs and availability. I'm about to complain to the importer.
-- Steve (steve.hunter2d@btopenworld.com), October 05, 2003.