MV F4 Evo II UK for Sale : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

UK sale only. MV F4 Evo 2 1+1 for Sale. Bought new March 03, registered 03. All silver. Imaculate condition. 2700 miles, first service at MV Dealer. All manuals & 3X PDI paperwork. Silver carbon weave front hugger (Casoli). New rear tyre 100 miles ago due to puncture. New spare front tyre because of two for one offer on new rear. Gilles tooling rearsets in titanium finish (the best rearsets).Otherwise standard in every way. Datatool III alarm and imob (you wont get UK insurance without one, cost £500 MV dealer fitted). C/w paddock stand. Total cost over £14k 6 months ago. For sale at £10,000.

email on for further info. No kids, tyre kickers or test rides.

-- Andy (, September 30, 2003


sounds the business mate, I've only got £8500-9000 to spend. Any one else got an MVF4 Evo II that will match my budget ? uk.

-- Carl (, September 30, 2003.

Well i'd like 10k but there is a bit of room for offers, not much though!

-- Andy (, September 30, 2003.

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