For Sale In Florida : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

For sale: 2002 f4s mono with 908 cc kit installed by Superbike Racing in Valdasta, Ga. Cf front fender, rear hugger, air ducts, ignition cover, etc. Custom dymag cf wheels. Promach adj. rearset. FBF bar risers. FBF carbon pipes(not stock gutted pipes usually with big boar kit). 1900 miles. Very trick. $24000 obo.

-- Tim Anglim (, September 17, 2003


Tim! Guess this means you're in line for the factory 1000 huh? Jealous...haven't yet decided on a bike with so much new stuff out there.... Folks, I've seen this bike in person. He's left no detail out and the bike is fantastic with the "proper" carbon bits everywhere they need to be. He's a bike fanatic and looks after all of them as they should be. Definitely a first class seller. Michel Naples, FL

-- Michel Fortier (, September 18, 2003.

show us some nice pictures

-- kevin mendez (, September 19, 2003.

I will post some pictures when I get a chance(and figure out how). I'm much better with bikes than computers. I should also mention that the bike has Brembo radial brake and clutch master cylinders.Also, I have all the orriginal parts. It was a fun project but now I'm off to ride my new '04 Aprilia RSVR Factory. What a bike!

-- Tim Anglim (, September 19, 2003.

Tim, if you'd like I can swing up and to some "proper" pics for you some time this week if you're free in the evening. Maybe some of you riding, etc... I'm usually done at the paper by 4-5pm every day.

-- Michel Fortier/Staff (, September 23, 2003.

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