I know that western NC has to have outdoor Raves!!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread

Okay, I just moved to Western NC and I need a real rave somebody please let me know of any good ones coming and of any outdoor raves! Please Help!

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2003


Oh my god! You just missed Baby Anne at the AG center in Asheville! It was on August 23 2003! If your intrested I can e-mail you some info on a couple of parties coming up in the area! PEACE!

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2003

Hey- someone email me! Have just moved to GA- looking for a cool summer outdoor rave b4 all the good weather is gone! GA/ FL the carolinas- need a big night with with good house- any ideas?? THX

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2004

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