Brake pad sound off : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

If you've used aftermarket front brake pads, please let me know what brand and what you think of them. Also where you got them if it's online or somewhere easy to get to.

So far I've heard good things about the Ferodos from TP, and James indicated that he might have used SBS pads, which I've had good luck with in the past. The Ferodos are available from, and if I don't find anything else I'll probably get them. Gotta get ready for Pahrump!

-- Andy Ruhl (, September 01, 2003


I love my SBS sintered HH+ pads. See you soon, Andy.


-- David Nguyen (, September 02, 2003.

Cool. Maybe I'll try to find those. But the Ferodos appear to be easy to access.

-- Andy Ruhl (, September 02, 2003.

Vasra has pads for the MV. These are race pads, for those of you who race you MV like me.


-- Ytak (, September 02, 2003.

The Ferodo and SBS pads are in a race compound as well. Generally, anything with HH in it is a race oriented pad. These come stock on a lot of newer bikes these days. The only true race-only pads are ones that don't work when they are cold, of which you don't find many.

I don't race my MV but I race another bike, and I prefer HH pads.

-- Andy Ruhl (, September 02, 2003.

I run EBC HH pads. I replaced the stockers early on, so I can't get give you a good comparison, but I got them directly from the EBC America race rep, and he said they were identical to what his AMA Superbike clients use. Two years later, good wear and no problems using them on the street.

-- Brad Cowell (, September 03, 2003.

I talked to a guy at, and he has the 6 piston Nissin pads in stock. I just ordered some.

He gave me some really great information on pads for my racebike (ZX-6RR), and I think I'll be buying from him for that bike as well.

-- Andy Ruhl (, September 08, 2003.

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