Electric Diagramgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
Hello there !!! Anyone have the F-4 electric diagram. Regards www.bikepics.com/members/maximo
-- Maximo Diaz (maximodiaz@entelchile.net), August 29, 2003
I you have the MV handbook you get with the bike, inside the cover is a little pocket, in there is the wiring diagram for both single and twin rad versions. If for some reason you have not got the handbook or the leaflet is missing please email me and I will scan mine and email it to you but please tell me if it is single rad or twin rad Regards Les
-- Leslie Spragg (zen22731@zen.co.uk), August 31, 2003.
i want home electirc dia gram plz send the dia gram
-- muhammad aisf (turklaykhan@yahoo.com), December 13, 2003.