dark portions of image not sticking to papergreenspun.com : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread |
I've been trying to get a good image transfer to no avail. I'm using 669 and cheap cold pressed watercolor paper. Everything else on the image sticks, but not the dark parts. I've tried pouring hot water over the negative when it was stuck on the paper and have checked the dates on my film. Is it because of the paper I am using? Please help if you can!
-- tina halvorson (ttinkerbell2@hotmail.com), August 26, 2003
i use ARCHES hot pressed satin and have no problems. you may not be soaking the image long enough in the hot water (160 degrees) - darker parts of an image are always the last to lift off the polaroid. are you soaking 3-4 minutes? also, you may have a bad roll of film.
-- sophia coyle (sophiacoyle@hotmail.com), August 26, 2003.