Now that its official can i get Gundam seed at all? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Ok unlucky for me i found out about the glory of gundam seed 2 weeks ago. Downloaded one episode from Anime Junkies and got extremly hooked on it. i had to go on my vacation so i didnt get to download more episodes. Now that i came back i found out that AJ doesnt distibute episodes and neither do any other sites with torrents. I tried Kazaa lite, emule, imesh, winmx but nothing does the job. the last three rarely give u the chance to stat downloading the file and kazaa downloads it but the download rate is extremly small. So is there a way to get episodes now besides Kazaa?

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2003


Download kazaa lite @ or sumthing like dat.. Anyway its much better, its a hacked up kazaa... No pop ups, a quicker dl speed, u can search as long as u want, insted of a minute.. opening up a world of new files to you... when i serched on k-lite for gundam seed, about 5 minutes... I got 1863 files, being u got none, i think i win?

Try it, the only downside is when the files get trasfered from kazaa to k-lite, one or two mite get erased... but i duno, maybe i accidently deleted them, but im pretty sure it was the xfer... Hope this helps u out...



-- Anonymous, August 25, 2003

It only took me 6 minute to start d/ling gseed 31 on k-lite.

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2003

I'd rather spend some more time and get a non anime junkie fansub version.

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2003

Sorry didnt read forum good enough, i didnt see u tried kaza lite.

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2003

fyi there are no other groups that subbed gseed 31-34 besides aj, and I'm not some dense bandwagoner who'll wait 3 years for dvds to come out.

-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003

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