>>where can i buy a fish-eye lense for my panasonic NV-DS60B???

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

hey guys. sorry im new to cameras im looking to buy a fish eye lense for my panasonic camera. it says this on my lense.

1=2.3~23.0mm 1:1.8

and it also ses

10x optical zoom 27mm

so what does all that mean beacuase i know when i buy a fish eye i need to buy a ring for it but what mm is my cam?

i live in the uk so a uk company would help to buy it from but if not i would import it

someone help me im only 14 and am new to all this


im looking to spend at most £40 for the ring amd lense


-- liam southall (lemsouthall2003@hotmail.com), August 25, 2003

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