Menopause/PMS choice? : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread

What about menopause or PMS? Is there evidence that Choice Theory can eliminate the symptoms of either of these?


Judy (new to this and loving it!!!)

-- Judy Christie (, August 10, 2003


If it could I imagine we would all be billionaires. Basically what CT will do is make you aware that there are certain things in life over which you have control and things over which you have none.You further become aware that you have control over very many more areas than you thought you had. You then find yourself in a position of knowing that you alone have responsibility for huge chunks of your life----you have choices to make. When you isolate the areas over which you essentially have little or no control you see that you have to make choices about these as well. Dr. Glasser's book on 'Fibromalgia'[see book list ,this website] goes straight to the heart of it.

-- ken lyons (, August 11, 2003.

Hello Judy! Am so glad to hear that you are "new to this and loving it!" In addition to Ken's response, I'd cautiohn us on the physiological component as there are no doubt many issues of hormones and systems balance in the body which, as we know, can influence thinking and feeling. There are a number of studies on estrogen and feelings of well being in women with Judy Bardwick being an early writer-editor back in the 70's (at Cornell). There may be evidence of low estrogen and feeling of sadness and monthly cycles but I have always wondered about the usefulness in nature (eg why would women attract men if there were no chance of getting pregnant and furthering the species?!) The amazing thing is how women get pathologized in all this. I've used Reality Therapy and Choice Theory from the first moment I heard it back in l976 when I heard Bill Glasser speak at a conference in Boston. It may be that we seek female testimonials on this question of yours, but in my life as a woman I have not had one moment's problem with PMS, menopause, or post menopause other than the predictable cultural tensions one can easily identify. Every stage creates opportunities for expansion and new ways to satisfy freedom needs. So much seems to speak to the values we assimilate from our culture that it is difficult to separate an internal systems question (Total Behavior) with external systems (culture, as outside the system or another system). You have probably discovered a good inquiry which could lead to a journal article or a book. I hope you pursue it. Your curiosity is delightful!

-- Suzy Hallock-Bannigan (, August 12, 2003.

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