Headlamps for extreme cold

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

Hello, I'd like to hear other's experience regarding specific headlamp models for extreme cold/high altitude. I recently read the specs on lithium batteries and they are supposedly good down to -40F. This makes me wonder about the necessity of an external battery pack that can be kept inside your clothing. Is the additional weight of the external pack and restriction of limited models with this feature moot with the introduction of lithium batteries?

-- Super Limey Jr. (super_limey_jr@yahoo.com), August 02, 2003


I've used the standard petzel duo, which has the battery pack on the back of the headband, down to about zero F without any problems. Battery life was probably a bit shorter than usual.

Since the price has come down on quality led headlamps, I've switched ALL of my casual use headlamps to led. Longer burn times, better light distribution, smaller size, and more reliable. AND I've frozen my petzel tika and tika plus completely solid on several occasions, and they always work just fine.

Unless you're doing nighttime routefinding or caving, I wouldn't bother with an external battery pack. Especially on alpine style ascents, the extra weight just isn't worth it.


-- (matt_bachmann@hotmail.com), October 27, 2003.

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