I`M LOOKING FOR A F4 1+1 ANY YEAR!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
I`m looking for a MV AGUSTA F4 1+1 Red and Silver. I don`t care about the year and the engine, I just love the shape of this bike. I`m Italian, but I live in Texas because of my job... ...let me know if you have something! Thanks, Sferra Francesco.
-- Sferra Francesco (sferra@virgilio.it), August 02, 2003
Hi Sferra,Can't help you with finding a bike but I AM in Texas. I'll keep my eyes peeled for you and post here if I hear of anything. There have been a few in the recent past.
Whereabouts in Texas are you? I'm in Dallas.
-- JamesC (jamesacorell@hotmail.com), August 05, 2003.
Please contact your nearest dealer in Texas and Cagiva USA will help them find you the model you are looking for.Dealer contact information can be found at
. Sincerely,
-- (matt@cagivausa.com), August 11, 2003.
you might want to try cycletrader.com, search for: mv f4 and it will pull some, or you can call cycle imports 972-241-0381
-- Chris Torres (knickerbockertx@yahool.com), November 11, 2003.