Not About Hamlet, About "Much Ado About : LUSENET : Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet : One Thread |
Okay guys, I know that this th Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet website, but seeing that you guys like this version, I'm going to take a punt that you might like Branagh's version of Much Ado About Nothing.I have an assignment. Yes, I know I should be doing it myself, and I actually am. What I'm looking for is some constructive feedback on the movie. The assignment is "Compare the play to the film" and as such I know both of them backwards.
There are a few questions though that I would love your opinions on. If you have the time, please post your own views, positive or negative. It would be great.
What do you think of Branagh's directing? Do you agree with the choice of costumes? What scenes/lines should not have been left out? What scenes/lines should have been left out? What is your opinion on the acting of each main character? Do you think that it was shot well? What forms of independant thinking can you find in the movie? How could this movie been made better?
-- Rachel Hatton (, August 02, 2003
Pretty, please guys. Just answer some of the questions if you can't be bothered answering them all! I've just written seven pages on the last 20mins of the movie with my perceptions, so pretty please!!
-- Rachel Hatton (, August 05, 2003.