can I get a review of a melodic DnB track? :) : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread |
hello, all. I have just released several of my own tracks - and was wondering if I could get some input/criticism on a track. The track is called "perihelion.mp3" and can be found on my website I can't wait to hear from you!peace
-- Anonymous, August 01, 2003
its a good jungle track... but for drumandbass its too poppy, so its a good jungle track. sorry im sarcastic. good, needs a bass line and a good high hat rythem. thats my 2 cents
-- Anonymous, November 06, 2003
Doesnt sound like DnB at all to me really. Maybe if it did have some kind of heavy bassline behind it but.....
-- Anonymous, November 14, 2003