PHOTO'S!!! My factory visit: BRUTALE S, Oro, SPR, EV03 : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hi All,

Follow up to "Brutale - Ridden at Schiranna" post.

Sorry for the delay - finally have photos from my factory visit 28th May this year.

Included are pics of Mr Castiglioni's personal Brutale Oro, in MV America colours and tested in July-August "Italian Bikes" magazine; John Kocinski's 500cc Cagiva GP bike; an SPR on the dyno, new EV03's and other shots of interest. Hope you like them.

Check out

My own Brutale Oro #004 is expected to ship out within a week. Paul Feeney (Australian importer) is having his personal Brutale Oro (#084) air freighted out to arrive as his birthday present mid-August.

Cheers :)

-- Colin McKay (, July 31, 2003


Thank You. Excellent Pictures.

-- David Moore (, August 01, 2003.

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