Southern Cresent Black Dome Car? : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

I need origin/car#,if possible,of the Southern(gold or yellow lettered)black smooth-side dome car used on Southern Cresent in the 1970's.

-- Marshal San Miguel (, July 30, 2003


Both dome cars were used on the Southern Crescent after the Asheville train was discontinued and for a time the "regular" dome-parlor car was even brought up to Asheville for some excursions that the Southern ran, leaving the dome-coach to the Atlanta-New Orleans run. Both were acquired by the Central of Georgia when that subsidiary ended passenger service. (It should be noted that neither dome was black... they were painted in Pullman green, though they had black roofs.)

SOU 1602 was a Pullman product, a dome-parlor car, ex-CofG 1602, exx- N&W 1602, nee-Wabash 1602.

SOU 1613 was a Pullman product as well, a dome-leg-rest coach, ex- CofG 1613, exx-N&W 1613, nee-Wabash 203. This car was built for the City of St. Louis and it wore Union Pacific paint most of its life, both as Wabash 203 and as N&W 1613. After being withdrawn from the City service the car was repainted in N&W Pevler blue not long before it was sold to the Central of Georgia.

To learn more, visit the DOMEmain website at: http://train

-- Jerry M. LaBoda (, July 30, 2003.

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