Delivered first Australian : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
Hi Guys.We delivered the first Brutale in Australia last week. Our client had been waiting over 2 years. We air freighted the bike in especially for him as a ship takes 6 weeks to get down under. All I can say is this is far from an F4 without fairings.
You can read his impressions on our site and my in the next couple of days.
safe riding.
-- Scot Walker (, July 28, 2003
2 years!!! wow... But congratulations!!! The brutale must be very beautiful. I wonder how many months/years would it take to send an F4 Mille to the Philippines?
-- dza (, July 28, 2003.
The review of the first Austrailian Brutale has been posted: option=news&task=viewarticle&sid=19&Itemid=2
-- David Moore (, July 31, 2003.