Range estimation

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I know that a normal sniper scope with the MO sites has a distance of 10mils but how much dose a standard hunting scope have so I can use my range chart to figure out the range

-- jakub Black (jakub@diri.com), July 26, 2003


fredjarvin@yahoo.com also known as fredjarvin@hotmail.com is a fake and a phony. He is a wannabe USMC sniper that only has knowledge from what he has picked up on professional sniper websites.

Snip1er Director Sniper’s Paradise www.snipersparadise.com

-- snip1er (email@snipersparadise.com), October 09, 2003.

Thank you for pointing out my mistakes. In order to show you my appreciation, I'll throw YOUR mother an extra nickle next time I'm through droping a load off in her. By the way, I don't really know much about rifles.

-- Handout (fredjarvin@yahoo.com), September 14, 2003.

>>You're guess is as good as mine dude >>more time useing a dictionary.

Might want to tak your own advice. You may know a lot about rifles, but who are you to tell someone to pick up a dictionary when you struggle on words like "using" and the correct form of the word "your." You're = You + are.

-- Bryan Davis (psychlow@yahoo.com), September 04, 2003.

P.S. Spend less time farting around with your scope and more time useing a dictionary.

-- Handout (fredjarvin@yahoo.com), August 11, 2003.

You're guess is as good as mine dude. If I was you, I'd get a pole and mark lines on it every 3.438 inches then set it out at exactley 100 yards. Now set your scope so the bottom post rests DIRECTLY on a line on your new pole. Count how many lines you pass until the crosshairs. Write that number down. now do the same thing all the way to the top. If you want to get it acurate, fill the space between the lines where the crosshairs and also the top post stop with finer lines every .343 of an inch and this will let you know down to the exact 10th of a mil how far it is from the bottom post to the crosshairs and from the bottom post to the top post and from the crosshsirs to the top post.

I wouldn't waste my time doing all that though, because your reticle won't be acurate for ranging shit past what you could eye- fuck anyway. Go out and spend $119 on a optical range finder that's good out to 1,000 yards.

-- Handout (fredjarvin@yahoo.com), August 11, 2003.

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