: LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
After initial teething problems I love the F4s. I know this has been discussed before but what is the situation with backfiring on shutdown? I consistently get this although otherwise the engine runs well. Should I be getting this looked at? Everything is standard, 2000 miles clocked. I am considering changing the cans to Blue Flame or having the Casoli mods to standard pipes, any comments?
-- Dave Thomas (, July 23, 2003
hi mine was backfiring because the air filter needed cleaning but my local dealer mechanic says they all backfire to varying degrees. i had casolis extra loud exchange cans put on a year ago and they are extremely loud but around town if you feather the throttle and ride in a gear too high which i have with a police car following me, you should be allright. peter groves
-- peter groves (, July 23, 2003.
go the blueflame route. once casoli butcher your standard pipes you can never get them back to original and that leads to MOT, resale etc probs. I know.....i've done both!
-- fraser butters (, July 24, 2003.
My friend's Oro has Blue Flame and it is LOUD. Much prefer my RS3 (with factory chip)and never once did I hear my 02 backfire.
-- Andy K. Chan (, July 24, 2003.