Selling a SENNA? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Can anyone point me in the right direction for a reputable dealer in the Western US (Phoenix, AZ preferred) that is selling a SENNA? Or if anyone is selling one send pics and details.

Ciao, Dan

-- Dan (, July 12, 2003


Dan, Try not to limit yourself to a dealer geographically. when I bought my 1 + 1 F4 I emailed every North american dealership to get a price quote and I ended up going with the dealership who gave me the best deal. Usually shipping charges are around $500.00 and if you get a dealership who will let one go for a good price you can easily make that up and then some. Since these are super exotics you can bargain much like you would with an automobile. My best quotes came from KC International in Texas and Beaudry Motorsports in Idaho. Both are good dealerships who will work with you on price. Good luck and let me know how it goes.

David P. Galleo

PS These bikes are truly AWESOME. You will NOT be disappointed!!!1

-- David Galleo (, July 12, 2003.

Dan, for some reason I get the feeling you're in Arizona. :)

Unfortunately, if you are looking for a new Senna, you would have to contact several dealers. I'm not sure if they really have one but Monroe Motorsport in San Francisco runs several ads for various MV models (some of which aren't out yet).

If you're looking for a pre-owned Senna, I image this board and would be a good place to find a Senna owner willing to sell.

As far as Renaissance Motorcycles in Tucson, I'm quite sure he does not have a Senna. However, if you're looking for a 2003 F4S or ordering/waiting for a new model, I'd highly recommend him. The owners name is Steve and Renaissance is a small motorcycle shop. I'm not sure how much of a discount he'd be willing to give (got mine at the time market demanded MSRP) but Steve is a "straight shooter" and advertises himself as one of the last old time motorcycle shops. They've also acculumated some good service time working on MVs.

Hope that helps.

-- Allan Gibbs (Phoenix, Arizona) (, July 13, 2003.

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