stringers or ravers : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread

sup all yall NC ravers i am a stringer from San Antonio Tx just wanted to know if yall string i am not a raver im a stringer just wanted to know if yall were stringers or ravers yall can check out this website to see some off our vids

-- Anonymous, July 08, 2003


حكايات الأولياء
مولانا محمد صديق برچونڈوي رحمه الله پچهلي صدي هجري كے ايك بڑے بزرگ گزرے ہيں. آپ كو گردوں كي تكليف رہتي تهي, جب تكليف شدة اختيار كرتي تو آپ رحمه الله ريت پر ليٹ كر لوٹتے اور اپنا يہ شعر پڑهتے

لطفِ سجن دم بدم قهرِ سجن گاه گاه
اے وي سجن واه واه اوه وي سجن واه واه

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2003

Yeah im from SA-town too. That site is pretty tight, I know a couple of people from there too, like BOMB and FUZE.

-- Anonymous, August 08, 2003

yo wussap, i string and I live in san antonio tx 2! so wut side r u at?? ur site iz kewl.. keep stringin **shoutouts to my krew *+*Komakoz*E*Kidz*+* peace out n P.L.U.R. ~SARAH~ aka Thumper**

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2003

im more of a raver but i also string and stomp a little. im from san antonio texas too. email me. adios and peace out. by the way, how old are you?

-- Anonymous, January 07, 2004

well i guess ya'll havent really looked at the background for what your calling "string" its actually called POI, and originates from New Zealand, and is considered an art form, and it is, i have seen some awsome POI over the years, however in New Zealand its almost a national past time. if you have more interest in poi take a look at

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2004

well i guess ya'll havent really looked at the background for what your calling "string" its actually called POI, and originates from New Zealand, and is considered an art form, and it is, i have seen some awsome POI over the years, however in New Zealand its almost a national past time. if you have more interest in poi take a look at Oh by the way, although it is an artform and it is a definitely a "blow up toy" but in samll venues is obstructive, too many ppl in a small space with some guy spinning chemlights, takes up alot of room, than you start getting ppl hit and thats not cool, so remember it is fun to see and do, but not always pratical.

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2004

ah ya'll i got a question for stringerz and ravers whats the difference between stringerz and ravers? Aren't they the same? im from San antonio 2. repersent!!!! email me. repersent Trunks

-- Anonymous, March 16, 2004

fuck off jacob, patronising git

-- Anonymous, April 10, 2004

wasup man san anto here too lol hell yea sa all the way


-- Anonymous, July 03, 2004

iM frM saN antonio toO...i knOW lots oF of fuZe bomb lites ditty...iMMa stoMpeR....pCe...

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2004

These people are setting the standard in glowstringing and glowsticking.Wanna be part of this laid back community of people then just stop in and check it out.All without the pressure of being called out an what you know.

Anyone can do trixx,its how you use your style to make the trixx worth watching.

Ecks-tah-see@GS.c =)

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2004

whats up people i love to stomp!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, December 09, 2004

daMn ThIs SHit Has BeEn GeTTiNg PoST FOr A YeAR ALrEAdY!!!WeLL I USeD To StrING...Not Any MorE...But I MIghT GEyt BAcK INtO IT!!!! PeaCE ......SAN ANTO TILL I DIE!!!!

-- Anonymous, March 16, 2005

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