Wide angle lens for Sony VX2000greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
I am looking for a wide angle lens for my Sony VX2000 video camera. I'd like to find one that allows me to conduct interviews with someone while standing close to them and also allows me to zoom. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks!
-- Michael Dean (sfxpublicity@yahoo.com), July 04, 2003
i would greatly recomend the century optics .3 ultra fisheye lens but it has a staggering cost but there are many alternatives such as the raynox that also has a 58mm thread but the century is one of the best
-- jason neil (jasonneil36@hotmail.com), July 08, 2003.
I have a raynox and it works fine, especially if you are only planning to use it for interviews. But if you want a higher-end lens, i've noticed that there are a ton of them available on ebay. Although, beware, ebay seems to be truly questionable when it comes to buying camcorder related stuff.
-- M. Doyle (iknowkarate@mail15.com), November 12, 2003.