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Hello all. In short; I am desparetly seeking other people involved in filmaking in the MD, DC, VA area. I am, at the expense of sounding haughty, very experienced in various facets of filmmaking; Cinematography (DP [Cannon XL1-S] for a documentary on the subject of independent musicians, for which, I toured the east coast for a solid month), Grip (Washington Source for Lighting. I worked with Dreamworks on "Minority Report" and NBC on "The West Wing."), Screenwriting (several shorts, two feature length), et al.Beyond my experience; I have been in college (UMCP-UMUC-UMBC) for four years now studying Journalism/Film/Mythology, I have always (since 7yrs) loved to write-shoot-edit for Film, and have always had an affinity for the aesthetic arts.
So, if you need a hand or just to talk about film, email me.
Jeremy Johnsen
-- Jeremy Michael Johnsen (, July 01, 2003