diecast mv agusta 750s

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

wanted: diecast model of 1970`s mv agusta 750s

-- herman hanshaw (herman@socal.rr.com), June 29, 2003


You mean like this one?

MV Agusta 500 Giacomo Agostini World Champion 1967 (Scoll down) http://www.speedzilla.com/ixochamps.shtml

-- Allan Gibbs (Phoenix, Arizona) (Agibbs996@aol.com), June 29, 2003.

I think that Protar had a 750S, but in pieces.

By the way, do you own a 750S? I have just bought a 1974 750S

-- I. Santillan - Spain (isantillan@ya.com), June 30, 2003.

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