/~/~/~/~/~YOU PEOPLE ARE GOING TO WANT THESE SITES~\~\~\~/~/~/DOORS FANS HERE"S SOME STUFF\~\~\~\~/~/~/BUT THERE'S SOMETHING HERE FOR EVERYONE\~\~\~\~\~\~\greenspun.com : LUSENET : Free Music : One Thread |
Different Types of Pop piano Sheet Music( Turn Down Your Speakers ): http://jeanies_home_studio.tripod.com/music/id2.htmlMany Many different pop and rock piano TABS. Some are sheet but most are tabs: http://www.pianotabs.net/
Doors- Hello I love you Guns and Roses-November Rain: http://www.angelfire.com/emo/fremson/
Doors-Riders On The Storm Doors-Roadhouse Blues Pink Floyd- Great Big Gig in The Sky And Other Pop Sheet Music For Piano: http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~torsigu/piano/
Rock And Pop Contains Stairway to Heaven: http://www.topbanana.mcmail.com/sheetmusic.html
Queen Fans you are most definitely going to want this page: http://muslib.mmv.ru/songs_eng.htm
Songs From around the world, popular classics, boogie and blues, and opera classics: http://www.findfreesheetmusic.com/cgi-bin/smartframe.cgi?url==http://www.findfreesheetmusic.com/cgi-bin/links/jump.cgi?ID=454
And for those of you who still aren’t happy, search through these links you should be able to find what you want here: http://www.free-scores.com/index_uk.php3
I've Hoped that i have helped, and PLEASE PLEASE, if anyone can find any other piano sheet music for especialy The Doors, please email me. I would also like some Led Zep and Pink Floyd. Thank you, and i hope i've helped. :-D
-- Noel (Missntd@hotmail.com), June 18, 2003