Buyer needs help! : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
Hi allI am seriously thinking about buying a low mileage F4, 2000 on. Could someone out there direct me to a web site or give me information on the history of this model and how it has developed over the last 3 years. I would also be interested to know what is considered to be worthwhile mods and extras.
-- Garry Tyler (, June 09, 2003
Acutally, this site (and Yahoo) are the best resource for info and history relating to the F4S. Just scroll all the way back to 2000 and soak up the history.Here's the link to Yahoo, which is about as old as this site.
Also, MCN has an article on used MVs: sectionID=52475&documentID=8035
-- Allan Gibbs (Phoenix, AZ) (, June 09, 2003.
Thanks for the info Allan
-- Garry Tyler (, June 10, 2003.