Owner's Manual Replacementgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
Does anyone know where I can get a new owner's manual for my '02 F4. My little girl spilled juice all over the one that came with my bike and the local dealership is having a hell of a time getting me a replacement. Thanks for the help guys!!
-- David P. Galleo (dgalleo@mac.com), June 03, 2003
There is an online manual but I don't recall where it is. I think it may be further down on this site.
-- Allan Gibbs (AGibbs996@aol.com), June 04, 2003.
Greetings David,Give this a try: http://www.mvagusta.com/2003mvagusta/news.html
-- Tim W (provamo35@hotmail.com), June 04, 2003.
My bike came with an Italian manual so I just rang up the local dealer and they supply them just like any other part ordered by part number in any language you like. It cost from memory about £18 or $30.
-- Andy (andy@homedesk.demon.co.uk), June 04, 2003.
The whole MV owners manual together with a whole host of other useful links can be found at http://www.buzzwordenabled.com/mv/index.html
-- nigel pasea (nigel@newtonmoreadvisors.com), June 04, 2003.
I have been trying to source a new manual thru my dealer here in San Francisco.. No luck thus far...
-- Alex (almarzan@cisco.com), June 05, 2003.