Arches Paper Supplier? Paper size? : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread |
I want to purchase Arches Hotpressed Watercolor paper online, and I am looking for a reliable source. Any suggestions?I am also wondering what minimum paper size I should use for prints that will be framed, matted and sold. Would the 9 x 12 block size be too large and wasteful? (Thought it would LOOK nicer in the middle of a large sheet in case it was sold unframed...) Or is it best to purchase roll fim and cut it, or larger blocks and cut the paper?
How are all of YOU doing this?
Thank you for your advice!
-- Jeanne Apelseth (, May 27, 2003
Hi Jeanne,I order my watercolor paper from I looked for a long time for a wholesale supplier and wasn't successful and this was the cheapest I found so I would be happy to hear where others get it also. Dick Blick has the Arches available, (and I know you didn't ask!) but I prefer the Fabriano Uno as the hot press is smoother than Arches and the watermark less obvious. I buy sheets of 22x30 and cut it up into 16 pieces (140lb paper) for 3x4 images and into 4 pieces for 8x10's (300lb paper). You wouldn't have to cut it down so small if you wanted more paper showing though.
Hope this helps! Angela
-- Angela Winholtz (, May 27, 2003.
Angie, Super! This was all the information I needed! Thank You! I even found a supplier that had good prices. So I am trying your suggestion of Fabriano Uno. The supplier was Art Supply Warehouse ( Again, thanks for your quick advice. I am anxious to get started again.Jeanne
-- Jeanne Apelseth (, May 28, 2003.
Try Daniel Smith out of Washington State. They are listed in the toll-free directory and will send a catalog or you can look on line. Good luck.
-- Kathleen Thompson (, January 24, 2004.
I actually work at Amsterdam Art in CA and we do carry a full line of Arches, Fabriano (they have discontinued the Uno, by the way) and Lanaquarelle. We ship and can be reached at 510-649-4800. Take care. -Dave
-- David Kimberling (, March 08, 2005.