Station at Dover, Ga : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I was wondering if any of you would know of what style the depot that was at Dover, GA was like. Was it similar in design to those at Statesboro and Metter or was it different? If it was different could you show or direct me to some photos? I appreciate any help.

-- Brandon Housewright (, May 23, 2003


The Dover, Ga, CofG depot was smaller than the Statesboro or Metter depots but similar in appearance. Statesboro and Metter depots had larger sections for freight.

The Georgia Historical Society in Savannah had one drawing of the floor plan, but it did not seem to show the final arrangement that was in place during the 1950's at the height of Nancy Hanks service.

There was a water tower across the track from the depot and a coal bin near the depot or wye that began the Oconee District that went to Statesboro and Metter (and beyond Metter in earlier days).

Rufus Cone

-- Rufus Cone (, May 23, 2003.

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