12000 km (approx 7500 mile) service

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

my bike and I are due for the 12000 km (7500 mile) service, is there anybody who had this service already, and if so what did your dealer charged you for it

-- Jacob (jaapio@planet.nl), May 19, 2003


Probably depending also on which parts are needed. Mine goes this thursday for 6000km service as I passed yteh 7000km and they quoted 400-450 Euro's Without chain or tyres!

Which dealer you are going to in the netherlands?

-- hb (not@vailable.nl), May 19, 2003.

My dealer is Road Pilot in Alphen (Noord Brabant)

-- Jacob (Jaapio@planet.nl), May 19, 2003.


My 12,000km service at the UK main importer was £300 (€420) plus taxes.

This was very much the minimum it could be done for, as I will not buy tyres from a service dealer (50% more than from a tyre specialist), and also told them that the chain/sprockets would do some more distance even though they are in the schedule to be changed at 12k.

-- Senna 026 (ralph@eurograv.co.uk), May 20, 2003.

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