size of the mv agusta...will it fit me : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Iīm about to purchase an MV, but the one thing thatīs holding me back is the seat height. Some people say that the mv is a lot shorter than it looks. This would be a problem for me since Iīm 6 foot and 2 inches. I was wondering if there is anyone out there thatīs about my height that rides an mv. if so, please let me know how well you fit on the bike..and if I would fit on it...thanks

-- juice (, May 17, 2003


The F4 is on the tall side. You will not have a problem.

-- Will (, May 17, 2003.

In the UK on Men and motors tv there was a guy who had to choose between a F4,Aprillia
-- C.Richards (, May 17, 2003.

For some reason my last post f***ed upp. As i was saying in the UK there is a tv program called Bike file on men and motors,inwhich a guy of 6"2 was testing a F4 and fitted realy well and never caused him problems at all,in fact he evern looked good on it.My self i am 6" 18 stone bodybuilder and it fits me very well,the seat is taller than my Bussa(now thats low).C

-- C.Richards (, May 17, 2003.

Maybe the F4 is for everyone. im 5'10" and fits perfect. ive got one obese friend who rides an F4 too and he said its the best. so i dont see any problems for a 6 foot guy because mr. tamburini makes bikes for everyone.

-- dza (, May 18, 2003.

I am 6'1,5", normal 1.86m, And have not a problem at all. in fact I normally do not touch the end of my polstry on mu 1+1


-- hb (, May 19, 2003.

I am 6'2" and found it to be probalbly the most uncomfortable bike I've ever ridden......for the first few rides. I ride almost every day and started to get some back problems - this may have been due to an incident at work though. Anyway I got a kidney belt which I wore whenever I rode for the rest of the summer (last year) This year I haven't bothered with it - I have done lots of days on the road - up to 450miles in a day with no problems what so ever. I would now say its the most comfortable sports bike I've ever owned. Even after a mamoth ride I have no aches or pains at all. The only time is my wrists when stuck in traffic - it realy helps if you loosen your grip, which is what you should be trying to do anyway - ask Keith Code. I suspect many people struggle to get through the 'body break in' period which is probably why all the F4's you see for sale have only done a few hundred miles. Hope I havn't put you off - it's just a bike for the commited. Mark

-- Mark Magenis (, June 06, 2003.

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