Crane accident at Kearny and California : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

When that crane fell over in 1989 and its counterweight crashed through the pavement at California and Kearny, did it puncture or obliterate the emergency cistern that was (supposedly was?) created under each downtown intersection in case of another fire like the Ought Six one?

-- Rosa (, May 16, 2003


All I can say is this, no mention of damaging the cistern or gas pipes or water pipes or anything else was ever mentioned in that article. The press has a pretty slimey and smelly nose for such things and unless it was kept tightly sealed the press would have surely reported it and they didn't. Of course the press as given by executive order by the slimeballs who run the place rarely reported crimes of their own people so you never know. But crimes in your own family of journalists are different than public accidents so chances are no damaged occured to the emergency cisterns.

-- Harry Murphy (, June 17, 2003.

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