PPG Paint?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

What is the standard paint for MV? Does anyone know the completE paint code for red silver F4 and senna? I understand that the red paint on serie oro paint is slightly different from the strada. is that true? anyways how do i change the wheels itno Gold? or SPR-like Silver? Or Senna-like wheel? anyone????

BIG thanxx!!!


-- Darwin Zialcita (dzaprojects@yahoo.co.uk), May 14, 2003


i went the whole way and painted my MV yellow with gold wheels. some love it, some don't , its a personal thing. Me? longest I've ever had a bike...had to MOT it the other day!!

http://www.mvagustaf4.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=2586052102&f=31 66039702&m=8786049603

-- fraser butters (butters@spreckley.co.uk), May 15, 2003.

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