CofG combine "Fort Mitchell" : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I'm modeling the "Asheville Special" and need information about modeling the cofg combine, Fort Mitchell. An article in the 1981 Molel Railding magazine says to use a Herkimer Car for this. Since this car is out of production I'm searching else-where for a similar car. If anyone has any info on this, please let me know. I found an old Herkimer car at a train show and still have it, but it has the wrong window arrangement and no under body details. It also has very thick walls and looks out of scale. I hope someone can give me a better idea. Thanks, Rob Cashwell

-- Robert Daniel Cashwell (, May 14, 2003



An HO scale kit for the Fort Mitchell is currently in production and should be available by early August. The kit will consist of metal car sides and a Train Station Products core kit, and will only be available through the CGRHS. Keep watching the web site ( for the "official" announcement and ordering details!

Allen Tuten

-- Allen Tuten (, May 15, 2003.

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