Speedo calibration

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I am not the bravest guy on the brakes so I like a bike that really drives out of the corners.Anybody here change the gearing on their MV, what type of sprocket change, and if so how did you correct the speedometer error. I am not worried about the indicated mph more so the additional mileage.

-- Curt McMillion (ytry@charter.net), May 05, 2003


I'm installing the 43T from MVSP and using the yellow box for the speedo error correction


I have the parts and the convertion scheduled and I have talked to a few people and it seems to be the best solution for the "drive out of corners" problem.

If you don't mind waiting for a couple/three weeks I can tell you first hand how the setup works.

-- Yannis (ydoganis@rcn.com), May 06, 2003.

I am very interested in your results. Curt

-- Curt McMillion (ytry@charter.net), May 11, 2003.

Ever tried to drive next to a car with GPS? There measured speed by satelite is the most exact as you probably can get in normal live apart from special measure devices. Or do it theoretical! http://home.t-online.de/home/sven.schmidt./texte/geardata.htm

-- hb (not@vailable.com), May 12, 2003.

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