Free sheet music (for all day songs to LOTR) : LUSENET : Free Music : One Thread

Hello, it's me again but this time, it's for all of those who wants to buy the sheet music or sheet music book at their nearest sheet music store. Guess how you do it? If you don't know, it's means you're stupid! Nah, just kidding. But, you should all have guessed. If you are able to pay 30$ (CAN) or 15$ (USA), then just look in the yellow pages. They never let you down.


-- Daniela-Elena Dogariu (, May 02, 2003


lotr music

hey im a huge fan of the lord of the rings and ive been lookin everywhere for the music w/ no luck so now im soooo happy! if its not too much trouble i want all of the music except *the prophecy* thank u sooooooooooooo much!! ~*~becka

-- becka smith (, August 16, 2003.

One Song

I poted a message a few days ago... but i posted it with the wrong e-mail address. I need Gollum's Song. Can you please send it to me, please. I know you havent posted a new messege in quite a while, but please do what you can... I appreciate what you are doing... Thanx

-- JF (, September 06, 2003.

concerning hobbits + in dreams

hi...i'm doing this project with a friend for school and i'm rlly desperate for concerning hobbits and in dreams so if u can send me both those songs you'd be a life saver ... btw.. u said that was an open group but i don't think it is cause when i went there it said "members only"

-- adam hellman (, January 04, 2004.

3 song

okay, last post said something like it was spam and killed so i repost, can i plz get rohan, concerning hobbits, and in dreams for school? thnx

-- adam (, January 04, 2004.

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