vcd rewind problems : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have made a number of VCDs using Nero and TMPGEnc. When i play them on my DVD player (Thomson 210) I have a problem during REW/FF: the film freezes after about 20 sec. Also since the REW/FF is an exetremely slow tool if you want to jump 30 min forward in the film: can I use chapers or tracks in VCD? I have created the discs using disc-at-once. Is this wrong? When I try to jump to the next track the film ends. Does anyone have info. I'm kinda new to this

-- parnell eklund (, April 20, 2003


when you make your mpegs in tmpgenc go get a free program called vcd easy from off the net right from there site change your files into bin files and cue sheets in vcd easy in the program you can add chapter points and then burn it with nero. after you download the program email me and i will walk you through your first one.

-- cb (, April 20, 2003.

You can find VCDeasy at You can not set entry points with Nero. "Entry points" is the term for what most people call "chapters" in VCD/SVCD.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), April 21, 2003.

Thanks guys! VCDEasy works great. Panell

-- parnell (, April 22, 2003.

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